Capture The Colors
Photography Coloring Book
Featuring ten educational tips on how to Capture The Shot, this 28 - page coloring book is for beginner photographers (who want to learn more about this craft -- or something similar). Capture the Colors contains access to 10 exclusive original SJR photographs by renowned international-based photographer Shannel Resto, transformed into black-and-white sketch aesthetic coloring pages.
Capture The Colors Coloring Book is great for all ages.
Like photographing, coloring is an in-the-moment activity capturing images through colors. It requires being present, as it allows the mind to forget certain stressors, improving focus, and reducing anxiety. Now, I can't promise that this coloring book will cure any anxiety or stress, but I aspire to create a safe space to explore perspectives through my photographs. While also aiming to generate mindfulness and quietness, I want everyone to have the opportunity to give their minds some rest during moments of solitude. Transposing my photographs as colorless images has allowed for endless possibilities in embellishing my art in a collaborative way. I wanted this coloring book to be a collaborative process for those coloring. Leaving the answer, Would this change the intent in which my photograph was purposed for?

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